Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday 24/9/10 - Missionaries for dinner...

Today seemed to disappear running around doing things but I don't feel I got that much done. I hate days like that. I feel I'm going to need a job soon, not just for financial reasons but because I'm feeling like I'm not getting much out of my days. So silly, as soon as Im at work I'll be wishing I was back at this point. Hmm then again maybe not, I've changed a little bit from how I used to be. I got a message from Katie though yay! Happy Birthday! I have had heaps of friends from work ringing me to find out all the goss about why I resigned, apparently I made the newsletter lol. Interesting. Everyone has said how happy I sound, one friend said I sound like I'm glowing when I was telling her about Utah and everyone and everything that happened. I told her to wait till she sees me, she'll need sunnies :P. I spent some time working on the Tshirts for Elder Thunots surprise Sunday, they rock! Turns out we might not be able to have an actual bonfire because of fire restrictions :( Bummer. But we will still go ahead, we shall have to toast our marshmallows over a candle, don't laugh, I've done it before :).

So today I was googling for some images for the program im typing up for Peters baptism tomorrow and I found two blogs for Elders out on their mission right now that are being kept up to date by their family. Was such a cool find. And I've been inspired. I'm going to start a study schedule to try and help me get on track with my daily scripture reading. Looking forward to it.

Had a great dinner with the missionaries tonight. Our new Elders are great, Elder Scurti is from Colorado and funny as anything, Elder Correy is from Canada and really quiet, but nice. Mum was so funny, they came in and she was like "Oh I haven't seen you's in ages!" Was so nice to see. Ok so its a pretty bad picture but I can't find my camera :( so this is off my phone. I'm just pretty amazed my parents are standing with the missionaries lol.

This is Elder Merrill with the mama of the friend I made yesterday - ah love the missionaries adventures.

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