Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday 21/9/10 - Coming to terms...

So today I resigned. I dont feel elated and I dont feel worried, I just feel like I'm back to how I felt before I went back there which is happy. Onward and upwards then.

Tonight I went to institute at KP with a few friends and went to the Eternal Marriage prep course that my friend was going to, how funny! Now all of a sudden all these girls are trying to set me up on dates. But the cutest thing was a couple up the back at the end of the class announced that they had become engaged the day before thanks to the class! How sweet. It was a great night with friends, I really enjoyed it. We were learning about Temple prep, and the teacher explained how the whole focus of the church is the Temple, I loved it!

I loved this quote from Jospeh Smith

"I teach them correct prinicples, they govern themselves"

I love to know that I have the freedom and responsibility to choose not just in church matters but in all things in my life. This was a really good lesson because it helped me feel clear about my choice to resign. We talked about the important decisions in life that you take to the temple. One person said career and job choices. The teacher went onto suggest that it doesnt matter in the eternities what you do here, whether your a professor or the garbage man, as long as you do your duties well and live righteously and to your potential. You use your talents. What does matter is if your happy doing what you are doing in your life. If your not happy then your not on your path.

Sometimes he said we get so caught up by wanting God to guide our every move that we are not willing to take the steps ourselves. That's how I felt about all the indecision surrounding this choice. It was like I was waiting for a sign, something to happen to say, OK do this or do that. But I wasn't making any decisions myself, or taking any steps in any direction.

He taught that if it's not essential to your eternal progression, you make the decision and then take it to the Lord. So that's what I've done. And now after learning all this I feel much more content about it. I've resigned and closed that door, now I'll seek for new opportunities and I'm sure I will be guided in those choices. What more can you ask for?

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