Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday 16/9/10 - This changes everything again...

Today I had the best surprise. So I went to the accountant to do my tax for this financial year and last one oopsy. Anyways turns out that I get a massive tax return which nearly to the dollar will pay off the exact amount of debt I have including if I put in my savings.

Now this is great news of course. But it opens up a whole new lot of possibilities. Firstly, I have been thinking alot about my job. I'm not really into it. Nursing yes, but OT no. Its not bad, I can do it, Im good at it, but I have no passion or enthusiasm for it, and I dont want to drag my self to work for the rest of my life, I would like to work in an area that I am happy to think of spending my day in. Any of my nursing friends know that you need to have the passion for the job or you cant do it, not successfully anyways.

So I had literally yesterday made my mind up that at least for the moment a job change wasn't feasible because I needed to stay put, be sensible and pay off my debt asap. Well with no debt to worry over, now I'm free to change jobs as I please. So do I? Or do I stick out the graduate program which will be extended until March 2011 because I had the time off for the States.

I can see the benefits of sticking out the program. I get the experience, the training, the certificate, I only need to do one more communication unit and it will give me a Post Grad Cert = better pay and recognition. But does any of that matter if I'm not happy to get up each day and go to work? Does it matter if its not an area I intend on staying in long term? What do I need a post grad cert in periop services if my passion lies in aged care and education? But am I just thinking grass is greener? I know alot of people who would kill for this position. And I have struggled to find my "niche" ever since I left Aged Care, should I just stay in OT? Uhhh no even writing it makes me scream no.

For the moment anyways it's back to work next Monday, too short notice to quit now...or is it? ;p

Second piece of good news tonight was that I told my parents about my intention of moving to the States. I was so glad I followed the promptings that led to this very casual discussion over dinner. I feel much better now because plans have been moving so fast that I didnt want to have to worry about what I did or didnt say in front of them. It's much better for things to be out in the open I think. Anyways mum just wanted to know if I would move to a safe area - I told her Inglewood Katie (kidding). Dad was just about ready to pack for me i think lol. Anyways it went well which was a relief.
I got a suprise email from my friend Hollie tonight giving me a contact of an organisation that does volunteer healthcare in africa and south america and asia. See thats another reason I'm thinking I should stay in OT, for the skills I could gain and use in places like that.


Also tonight I cooked a delish dinner inspired by Kemy and her cabin spaghetti. I was very proud of myself :p , my new knives are awesome by the way. And I bought some new photos frames for my holiday pics - now to pick the top 20!

Oh and best thing to look forward to? Temple this Saturday with my RS Presidency AND Steve Fazakerley's coming with me for my first time to the Brisbane Temple. Cant wait for that! I think with all these things floating around in my head I need the Temple :)

Brisbane Temple at night in June 2010


  1. hmmm life decisions. listen to the spirit! you will know what to do. i'm glad you had the courage to tell your parents you were moving to any city besides inglewood!! hello!! :)

  2. Hahaha :) OK I will listen to the Spirit xox
