Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday 26/9/10 - All over the place...

I so much felt like boycotting my own blog. I hated most of what I wrote yesterday. But then I thought if I delete it, then thats like altering your own history to make it look how you want instead of how it is. And I'm trying to live in reality now, not the future or past, so I'm back writing and keeping my commitment of writing my journal everyday. I figured you wouldn't want to read what I was babbling on about, but then I remembered I'm writing this for me not for you, so if it's babble its babble, and if its earthshakingly awesome then I've grown lol.

I so did not want to go to church this morning. But I made myself get up and get moving. I can't understand how I can be so pumped then so blah in the space of 24 hours but thats why I was just like, you know what just get up and go. I was telling honey, and she put it perfectly "You've gone cold turkey from fun". Its so true :( Peter the new member spoke in Sacrament today and told his story of how the missionaries had found him. I was crying so much, I couldn't help it, it was so beautiful and I looked over at Elder Thunot and saw his expression and the kindness in his face and the humility and I just felt so happy that Peter had spoken the words to thank Elder Thunot and I'm sure it would have made his day. It brought back to my heart how much I owe and am grateful for my missionaries, and they all think it's just all part of the work, they don't realise how much they mean to us converts. Without them we wouldn't be here, they are our keys and we love them.

So change of plans for tonight. We were going to have a bonfire but now we can't because of the fire restrictions, so now we are going to a CES Broadcast for Insitute at Karawatha, which is an hour away. I was excited, I've not been there before but the missionaries have said it's huge. So I happened to mention to a couple of friends that I was going and offered them a lift with me, and all of a sudden it turned into me, driving someone elses van, someone else driving my car with 4 ppl in it, me having to figure out how to get to the van in D Bay 20mins away, me picking up a bunch of ppl in D Bay, me buying gas on the Sabbath and me driving them all to Karawatha and back for the fireside? What the heck? How did this happen? Oh that's right because I just stood there and said "yeah sure" instead of saying "ah no way". And Katie, now I remember why I dont do YSA. It annoys me so much when you are organised and want to go out and do things and end up getting pulled into other peoples last minute messes, especially when they try and lay on the guilt trip. And I annoy myself so much when i say yes when i want to say no grrr!

Anyhoo it turned out alright, someone must have read the expression on my face. Plans changed again and my friends Dad ended up driving his van. I got to take my own car with some other people, one girl I didn't know and one girl i dont think she likes me that much, but it didnt seem to matter, we had a really great night. I could have watched it at home on the net, but there's something about sitting together, all with a common purpose feeling the spirit. There was about 500 of us. And guess what the topic was? Eternal Marriage and I swear I did not know that before I went. It was so cool too because at the beginning they called for all the recently returned missionaries to stand up and say where they'd been and that and then all the ones that had recieved calls to do the same. One was going to England, three to Auckland and three within Australia. My friend Laina is going to Sydney! Way to go girl, she is a real example to me.

So the best person I met at the Fireside was Karen Tuohy. I couldn't believe it, I havent seen her since the Airport when Michael left! I mean we talk on email, but we can never seem to match up shifts to get together. Anyways I saw her and I was like thats Karen! and she came up to me and gave me a big hug and I told her all about my trip to the States. She and her husband are the YSA parents in her ward so they were there chaperoning. Ah see I'm so glad I went!

After the fireside we stopped in at the Temple. One of my friends really needed the bathroom, the public ones were closed so I said we could stop at a Maccas, just for the bathroom if she really needed it. Well then my other friend was like "Im buying something, I'm starving!" And I was like "Umm, it's Sunday" and she was like "Yeah it's ok I can repent about it later" I said to her it doesnt work like that, and she says "Oh yeah it does I do it all the time." I was so shocked, that she would think this and I know she knows better. Am I being judgemental here? I mean I was hungry too but it was only an hour till we were home. Was she seriously going to break the sabbath because she couldnt wait an hour to eat something? I was so upset inside I really was. It brought my day round full circle. She was prepared to break the covenant she had just renewed that very morning, after we had just been to the Temple, for something to eat, to satisfy a very temporary craving. I was wanting that very morning to do the same thing, to not go to church and break my covenants that I would always try. There was nothing stopping me, I just didnt want to go. It made me realise just how much going to the Temple has changed me. Not so much in what I do but my level of understanding and comprehension of the signigicance of these things. I never want to do or not do anything that will jeapordise my worthiness to attend the temple. If I always focus on the Temple, everything else will fall in place. I cant believe I nearly didnt go to sacrament. If I thought I felt bad before, I bet I would of really felt bad if I hadn't gone.

Looking forward greatly to tomorrow when I will have an opportunity to sit down and do some planning of the nitty gritty of how and when I am going to get to Utah! I think that will help this fuddled little mind of mine :)

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